Sunday, February 24, 2013

Daily Character 1

Starting up a Daily character series, no longer than 2 hours each.

This week, I'll probably be doing mostly Diesel punk characters as I've had a cool Idea floating around in my head for a few days now.

Here's the first one.

And of course, feel free to leave me crits.


  1. It's looking good, and it's more than I can block out in two hours so kudos for that. The only possible problem is that she's looking about six heads high. Is that intentional?

  2. Thanks again, I wasn't watching my proportions when I started the sketch, I should know better. I often have this problem though.

    I guess I just need to really put some effort into getting the proportions right and sticking to them throughout the whole process.

  3. It happens to me whenever I start with the head and go down, because usually I start the head maybe two or three inches from the center, so by the time I get to the feet I run out. I forced myself out of that by starting with a central gesture feet first. Hope that helps!
